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Bladder Cancer Treatment Turkey

What is Bladder Cancer?

Bladder cancer is the 7th most common cancer in men and the 11th most common cancer in both genders.

Bladder Cancer Treatment Turkey

The vast majority (75%) of patients with bladder cancer are low-stage pathologies (non-muscle-invasive cancer) that can be treated with endoscopic surgeries. However, bladder cancer is unfortunately frequently recurrent.

In addition, since the bladder is a lumen organ just like the large intestine (colon, rectum),endoscopy (cystoscopy) should be included in the follow-ups besides imaging methods (Tomography, Ultrasonography).

Who Gets Bladder Cancer?

Among the risk factors for bladder cancer, smoking and tobacco products are the most important risk factors. Other important risk factors are chemicals (aromatic amines) exposed to paint jobs and petroleum industry workers. Other known risk factors are genetics, some infections (cystosoma),bladder stones (chronic irritation),radiotherapy for some reasons, male gender and advanced age.

In the guidelines published by the European Urology Association, it was stated that smoking cessation at the time of diagnosis of bladder cancer positively affects oncological outcomes.

What are the Signs of Bladder Cancer?

The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. This bleeding is usually accompanied by clot particles and pain is often absent. Apart from bleeding in the urine, frequent urination, prolonged burning in the urine, sudden urge to urinate may also be seen.

In the advanced stages of the disease, weakness, weight loss, findings related to kidney failure, urinary incontinence, widespread body pain can be seen.

How Quickly Does Bladder Cancer Spread?

Especially cancers that invade the deep layers of the bladder spread lymphatic and hematogenous (via blood) to other parts of the body and the surrouinding tissue of the bladder. 

Where Does Bladder Cancer Spread?

Bladder cancer most commonly spread to the lungs, bones and liver except for regional lymph nodes. The course of metastatic disease progresses aggressively. This why early diagnosis is very important for bladder cancer. 

How is Bladder Cancer Diagnosed?

When patients apply with complaints matching the symptoms of bladder cancer, the decision is made according to risk factors.


For example, when a 30-year-old non-smoker female patient presents with bleeding in the urine, ultrasonography and blood urinalysis would be a more appropriate approach, since this patient does not have a risk factor and may have urinary tract infection and kidney stones. However, the gold standard diagnostic method for patients with significant risk factors is cystoscopy.

Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor

Enlarged imaging of the bladder inside is made by entering the urinary canal with a camera and fiber optic system, so that even very small tumors are detected at the initial stage. This procedure can be performed under local, regional or general anesthesia. If a tumor is detected, biopsy or complete removal of the tumor can also be performed by endoscpic resection(TUR-BT).

Urine cytology is also an important marker in both follow-up and initial diagnosis. In addition, computed tomography (CT),CT Urography, Magnetic resonance (MR) and rarely PET-CT may be required in the initial diagnosis, staging and follow-up of the disease.

How Bladder Cancer Is Treated?

The treatment of patients diagnosed with bladder cancer is performed with endoscopic surgeries in the early stages (Ta, T1, CIS). In some cases medical teratment (immunotherapy, chemotherapy) is also administered in to the bladder. However, after pathological examinations, in cancers that have spread to the muscle tissue of the bladder (T2) or deeper, the entire bladder must be removed.

Endoscopic Bladder Cancer Surgery

Since the majority (75%) of the disease is detected in the superficial stage (Ta, T1),endoscopic transurethral resection (TUR-BT) is usually sufficient for this stage, and radical surgery is not required. However, additional intravesical (applied into the bladder) drug treatments may be required for these stages.

BCG Treatment For Bladder Cancer

It is known that the BCG (bacillus calmetta guerin) vaccine, which is administered especially for patients in T1 stage and sometimes Ta stage with a high probability of recurrence, reduces the possibility of both recurrence and progression of the disease.

It is known that BCG application, which is a kind of immunotherapy (fighting cancer through immune cells) method, has some side effects. Again, depending on the tumor focus number, size and recurrence rate, chemotherapeutic agents such as Epirubicin and Mitomycin-C may need to be administered intravesically (into the bladder) to patients with superficial bladder cancer.

Bladder Cancer Removal Turkey

For bladder tumors that have spread to the deep layers (muscle layers) of the bladder, the first choice treatment method is Radical Cystectomy, in which the bladder is completely removed. In this surgical procedure, according to gender, the surrounding organs (prostate and semen glands in men; a small part of the vagina, ovaries and uterus in women) and lymph nodes in a certain area should be removed.

Is a Cystectomy Major Surgery?

Yes it is a major surgery but also the most effective treatment of advanced stage baldder cancer. It is the most important treatment to increase life expectancy for T2 stage bladder tumor.

What Happens After Bladder Removal?

After the bladder is removed and considering the other factors of the patient, an artificial bladder is created from the intestines. it can be designed to open to the skin or to be connected to the urinary tract for ensuring the continuation of the urine output.

Is Bladder Cancer Usually Curable?

The chance of cure is very high especially for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Muscle invasive bladder cancer can also be cured with radical cystectomy surgery. 

Bladder Cancer Follow-Up

Unfortunately, there is no sufficient sensitive blood or urine test for the follow-up of bladder cancer. The most commonly used methods for the follow-up course of the disease are cystoscopy, urine cytology and computed tomography.

How Cystoscopy Is Done?

The main follow-up method in low-stage superficial bladder cancer (Ta, T1) is Cystoscopy, which is a method of visualizing the urinary bladder with a camera. It can be easily applied even with local anesthesia, and it is performed at regular intervals according to the initial stage of the disease (the number of tumors in the first diagnosis, size, recurrence rate and other factors related to the patient).

Especially in the T1 stage, urine cytology (examination of the urine sample in the pathology laboratory) is also an important tool used in the follow-up of the disease.

Staging of Bladder Cancer

Computed tomography is an important imaging method in the post-surgical follow-up of both low- and advanced-stage bladder cancer, showing possible tumor recurrence in the kidney and ureter and metastases to other organs.

Are There Any Options Other Than Bladder Removal in Advanced Bladder Cancer?

In advanced bladder cancer, the question of "Is there an alternative treatment method for removing the bladder and making a new bladder from the intestine?" is frequently and rightfully asked by our patients. Because radical cystectomy surgery is a surgical procedure that can disrupt life comfort to a certain extent and may have undesirable effects.

One of the points that should not be forgotten is that the gold standard treatment method for cancer that has spread to the muscle tissue of the bladder is radical cystectomy. However, sometimes due to serious comorbidities of the patients and sometimes because the patient does not want this surgical method, a 'bladder sparing approach' can be performed by combining chemotherapy, radiotherapy and cystoscopy (TUR-BT if necessary) with the triple method as an alternative (multimodal treatment).

It should not be forgotten that the side effects of this approach can sometimes be serious, and patients should consult with medical oncology and radiation oncology.

Bladder Cancer Removal Cost in Turkey

Radical cystectomy surgery prices range from 6000 to 10.000 USD. 

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Note: Page contents are for informational purposes only and a doctor's application is required for your diagnosis and treatment.

Update Date: 27.04.2022
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif Demirbaş
Doç. Dr. Arif Demirbaş
Üroloji Uzmanı
The content of this page is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif Demirbas
Urology Specialist
Dr. Arif Demirbaş was born in 1985 in Turkey. He graduated from Uludag University Faculty of Medicine in 2010. He completed his urology residency training at Ankara Training and Research Hospital between 2011-2016. As a result of intensive academic studies after his specialization, he received the title of Associate Professor in March 2021.

Dr. Arif Demirbaş, who continued his medical and academic duties as an associate professor at Afyonkarahisar Faculty of Medicine for a while, later started working at Bursa Private Doruk Nilüfer Hospital. He also continues his academic duties at Istanbul Atlas University Faculty of Medicine simultaneously. He is married and has two children. Many scientific research articles have been published in well-known, internationally refereed journals.
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