ASSOC. PROF. DR.ARİF DEMİRBAŞUrologistMENUTESTIMONIALS+90 532 485 0016Contact Information

Prostate Biopsy

What is prostate biopsy?

Prostate biopsy is done to distinguish whether the existing prostate disease is benign or malignant.

Prostate Biopsy

Because benign prostate enlargement and prostate cancer, if any, are different in both medication and surgical techniques. In other words, sometimes a prostate biopsy should be performed before starting the right treatment in a patient with suspected prostate cancer.

Why prostate biopsy is done?

  • High PSA (prostate specific antigen),which is the marker of prostate cancer in the blood test
  • Presence of nodules in the rectal examination
  • Lesion detected in multiparametric prostate MRI

Prostate biopsy should be performed in detected patients.

How safe is a prostate biopsy?

It is generally a safe procedure. Prostate biopsy (removal of prostate piece) is a worrisome procedure for patients. Questions such as 'Is prostate biopsy dangerous', 'Is prostate biopsy painful?', 'Is anesthesia performed in prostate biopsy?' from patients are reflections of their concerns and fears. As physicians, these concerns should be met with understanding.

How prostate biopsy is done?

Prostate biopsy is the removal of small tissues from the prostate with the help of special needles. The parts taken from the prostate are taken for pathological examination and the diagnosis is made.

Unless there is an unusual situation, the accepted number of biopsies is 12. This procedure can be performed both transrectally (through the anus) and perineally (through the skin just above the anus). Both methods have some advantages over each other. It is applied under ultrasound guidance during prostate biopsy.

MR fusion prostate biopsy

With the developing medical technology, multiparametric MR-guided MR Fusion prostate biopsy with high sensitivity in the detection of prostate cancer lesion shows high performance in diagnosis accuracy. Thus, it also reduces the possibility of repeated biopsy.

Prostate biopsy anesthesia

Considering the patient's wishes and concerns, prostate biopsy can be performed under both general, regional and local anesthesia. It can be easily ensured that the patients do not feel any pain during the procedure. Especially in the operating room environment and under general and regional anesthesia, the procedures are very comfortable.

Is a prostate biopsy painfull?

Thanks to the oral painkillers given after the prostate biopsy, there is no significant pain after discharge. Prostate biopsy performed by inexperienced people under local anesthesia may cause discomfort.

Side effects of prostate biopsy

As with any procedure, some undesirable effects may occur after prostate biopsy. After the prostate biopsy, blood from the semen is expected to come from the urine at a certain level.

Fever after prostate biopsy is also a possible side effect. This procedure is open to infection, and this rate can be significantly reduced with new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics used before and after the procedure.

Enema before prostate biopsy can also be applied according to the physician's preference. However, it would be beneficial to consult your physician who performed the procedure when fever occurs. Sometimes oral medications are not enough and intravenous or intramuscular antibiotics may be required.

Sex after prostate biopsy

After prostate biopsy, 24 hours should be waited to have sexual intercourse. Prostate biopsy does not disrupt sexual life.

Bleeding after prostate biopsy

It should not be feared unless there is a significant, continuous red blood coming from the urine. In case of excessive and continuous bleeding, you should contact your doctor immediately. Again, in patients with prostate enlargement, urinary retantion may be observed after prostate biopsy and drainage with a catheter may be required.

Healing after prostate biopsy

Side effects due to prostate biopsy usually pass within 1-2 weeks.

How long after prostate biopsy do you get results?

The duration of the pathology results varies according to the hospital conditions. This period can vary from 3-4 days to 1 month. I think that both the patient's anxiety while waiting for the pathology result and the pathology results should be concluded quickly in order to start the treatment as soon as possible.

What should be considered after prostate biopsy?

Although no special nutrition is required after prostate biopsy, it is recommended to consume enough water, be careful not to be constipated, and use antibiotics given after the biopsy.

What next if prostate biopsy is positive?

After the detection of prostate cancer, your doctor will recommend the most appropriate treatment model for you according to the stage of the disease.

Nutrition After Prostate Biopsy

May cause burning in urine; It is desirable to avoid hot, spicy, acidic drinks, tea and coffee as much as possible. If it was stopped before the prostate biopsy, be sure to remind your doctor when to start the blood thinners again.

When is a prostate biopsy recommended?

In individuals with prostate disease, it is sometimes necessary to perform a prostate biopsy before the correct diagnosis and therefore the correct treatment for the correct prostate surgery. In some patients, out of necessity, if there is a situation such as "whether it is done or not", the patient and the physician can decide by making the profit-loss calculation together.

Prostate biopsy cost in Turkey

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Update Date: 06.11.2022
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif Demirbaş
Doç. Dr. Arif Demirbaş
Üroloji Uzmanı
The content of this page is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif Demirbas
Urology Specialist
Dr. Arif Demirbaş was born in 1985 in Turkey. He graduated from Uludag University Faculty of Medicine in 2010. He completed his urology residency training at Ankara Training and Research Hospital between 2011-2016. As a result of intensive academic studies after his specialization, he received the title of Associate Professor in March 2021.

Dr. Arif Demirbaş, who continued his medical and academic duties as an associate professor at Afyonkarahisar Faculty of Medicine for a while, later started working at Bursa Private Doruk Nilüfer Hospital. He also continues his academic duties at Istanbul Atlas University Faculty of Medicine simultaneously. He is married and has two children. Many scientific research articles have been published in well-known, internationally refereed journals.
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