The prostate is a male sex-specific organ located between the bladder and the urethra. Some of the secretions in the semen are produced by the prostate gland, and this secretion helps mature sperm reach the uterus from the vagina.
It is the second most common cancer in men. A man's lifetime chance of developing prostate cancer is about 15%. However, prostate cancer has a high successful cure rate when diagnosed in the early stages. Cancer-related death rates are 2-3% in low-risk prostate cancer diagnosed early.
Prostate cancer is an insidious disease without any symptoms in its early stages. It may not even show simple symptoms such as benign prostate enlargement, difficulty urinating and frequent urination. For this reason, all men over the age of 50 should be examined by a urologist even if they have no complaints. Benign prostatic enlargement accompanying prostate cancer can also give symptoms if present. In addition, in moderate and advanced prostate cancer, cancer-specific symptoms may develop.
The diagnosis of prostate cancer is made by performing a biopsy in patients with PSA elevation, examination findings and suspicious lesion at MR imaging. MR Fusion Prostate Biopsy is the most accurate diagnosis method.
There are various treatment methods according to the stages of cancer, age and general condition of the patient. The main treatments for prostate cancer are; prostate cancer removal surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Sometimes it may be necessary to apply one or more of them in the same patient.
Prostate cancer surgery is called radical prostatectomy. Prostate cancer surgeries can be performed with open, laparoscopic and robotic techniques, and according to the European Urology Association, these techniques have no superiority over each other.
The 10-year survival rate after surgery is 95% in patients with localized prostate cancer that can’not spread. Therefore, surgery is a very successful method in early-stage prostate cancer.
Treatment of prostate cancer is is individualized, not standardized. Although it is stated in most scientific publications that the most effective and ideal treatment method, especially in low-stage prostate cancer, is surgery, sometimes radiotherapy comes to the fore in the patient-specific treatment plan. When the diagnosis is made, your doctor will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of treatment methods.
Prostate cancer surgery success rate is very high for low stage disease. In low-stage prostate cancer, the chances of completely getting rid of this disease after surgery approach almost 100%.
Radical prostatectomy (prostate cancer surgery) is an operation that takes an average of 2 hours. It can increase or decrease in various situations.
Prostate cancer surgery can be performed with open, laparoscopic and robotic techniques. In open surgery, it is performed with a 10-12 cm incision applied under the umbilicus. In laparoscopic and robotic techniques, 3-5 one cm holes are opened and surgery is performed with ports and various instruments placed inside.
In prostate cancer surgery, the prostate capsule and semen ducts are completely removed together. Then, the urinary canal called the urethra, which progresses into the penis and baldder are anastomosed (joining) to each other, and the process is terminated.
The European Association of Urology has clearly stated that open, laparoscopic or robotic prostate cancer surgery is not superior to each other in terms of oncological and functional outcomes.
Serious complications that may occur during prostate cancer surgery are very rare. When applied by experienced surgeons, serious bleeding usually does not occur. Very rarely, an intestinal injury called the rectum may occur. In moderate and advanced prostate cancers, lymph node removal may also be required. There may also be vascular injury during lymph node removal, but this is also a very rare condition.
Prostate cancer surgery is not an operation with a high mortality (death) risk, and it is negligibly low in patients whose general condition is well and without poorly controlled chronic disease.
Yes. Radical prostatectomy is one of the major surgeries, but when it is performed by experienced surgeons and centers, its side effects are very low. Prostate cancer removal is a surgical method frequently applied by Arif Demirbas in Turkey.
Wound healing usually takes 10 days after radical prostatectomy surgery. It takes an average of 2 weeks to remove the catheter and return to normal social life.
PSA value is expected to decrease below 0.1 ng/ml 4-6 weeks after prostate cancer surgery. However, this decrease may not occur in middle and advanced stage cancers and additional treatments such as radiotherapy may be on the agenda.
One of the first questions that come to people's minds after a cancer diagnosis is 'does it recur after treatment?'. This concern is perfectly normal. Although it varies according to the stage in which the disease is detected, the probability of recurrence is higher in moderate and advanced cancers. However, our patients should know that today there are very effective weapons for prostate cancer. In the lower stages of the disease, the probability of recurrence is very low.
Prostate cancer most commonly metastasizes to regional lymph nodes and bones. In more advanced stages, it can spread to solid organs such as liver, lung and brain.
The chance of survival in prostate cancer is related to the stage of the cancer, as in other cancers. The 5-year survival rate after surgery in prostate-confined cancer is 100%. In prostate cancer that has spread to the bones and other organs and involved the lymph nodes, the 5-year survival is around 25-30%.
Failure to perform the recommended treatment of cancers that require treatment causes progression of the disease. Sometimes prostate cancer even exceeds the curable stage and threatens the patient's life. Neglected prostate cancer may progress to spread to other organs (metastasis),bladder dysfunction, kidney failure, and pathological bone fractures (due to metastasis).
The basic principle of prostate cancer surgery is different from benign prostate enlargement surgeries. In cancer surgeries, all tissues of the prostate (including its capsule) are removed. In the outer neighborhood of the prostate, there are muscle, nerve and vascular structures that provide urinary continence and erection.
For this reason, erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence may develop after radical prostatectomy (cancer surgery). Since the semen ducts are also removed in prostate cancer surgery, semen flow also stops.
After prostate cancer surgery, approximately 50-60% of patients can return to their pre-operative sexual performance. After benign prostate enlargement surgeries, the probability of erection problems is 1-2%. Especially after laser prostate surgeries such as Thuflep and Holep, there is almost no possibility of an erection problem.
Laparsovopic radical prostatectomy is a surgery method that provides rapid recovery and less bleeding. In suitable patients prostate cancer removal greatly increases disease-free survival (95-99% in lower stages). Radical prostatectomy costs vary between 5000-15000 dollars.
Prostate cancer surgery costs in Turkey vary according to the surgeon's interest and experience, hospital comfort and technical facilities. For more information Whatsapp: +90 532 485 0016. Radical prostatectomy costs vary between 5000-15000 dollars.
Note: Page contents are for informational purposes only. Urology examination is required for diagnosis and treatment.
- We were very pleased with the surgery he performed.
- Successful prostate surgery
- I got rid of prostate within 48 hours.
All TestimonialsAssoc. Dr. We would like to express to our doctor Arif Demirbaş that we are pleased with the surgery we had. May God grant whatever he desires, may God bless him. We would also like to thank th{...}
04.04.2023On 03/07/2023, Doruk Hospital urology doctor Assoc. Dr. I had a successful prostate surgery performed by Arif Demişrbaş. I would like to thank him and his team for their close attention both be{...}
10.08.2023My problem of benign prostate enlargement, which has been going on for about 15 years, was addressed by Assoc. Dr. Thanks to Arif Demirbaş, I survived the surgery (thulep prostate surgery) on 0{...}